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额颞叶 痴呆 首都医科大学
近日,首都医科大学宣武医院卢洁教授和武力勇教授团队在神经病学领域顶级期刊《Brain》联合发表题为“Atrophy network mapping of clinical subtypes and main symptoms in frontotemporal dementia”的研究论文。该研究首次报道了额颞叶痴呆不同亚型及主要症状的萎缩映射网络定位。首都医科大学宣武医院褚敏博士后、蒋德明博士及...
神经外科张伟副教授 机器学习技术 磁共振 北京天坛医院
2022年2月,首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院神经外科张伟副教授团队在神经科学领域权威杂志《Brain》在线发表题为“An MRI radiomics approach to predict survival and tumour-infiltrating macrophages in gliomas”的研究论文。研究团队利用脑胶质瘤患者术前磁共振T2加权影像的纹理数据,通过机器学习算法构建了脑胶质...
Gut-brain connection in autism(图)
自闭症 肠脑连接 肠道炎症
Beige fat 'indispensable' in protecting the brain from dementia
beige fat cells prevent dementia immune cell
Beige is considered a calming paint color, and scientists have new evidence that beige fat has a similar impact on the brain, bringing down the inflammation associated with the more common white fat a...
近日,首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院神经外科张建国教授团队在神经系统疾病领域著名学术期刊《Brain》在线发表研究论文“Cortical phase-amplitude coupling is key to the occurrence and treatment of freezing of gait”。发现帕金森病患者大脑初级运动皮层神经元的过度同步化放电是导致步态冻结的关键因素,而丘脑底核-脑...
华山医院神经内科肌病团队等发现GIPC1基因5’非翻译区CGG重复异常扩增是中国眼咽远端肌病最常见致病突变 ——相关成果在线发表于国际权威神经病学期刊Brain上(图)
神经内科肌病团队 眼咽远端肌病 眼外肌 咽喉肌
2020年12月29日,华山医院神经内科神经肌病研究团队与复旦大学生命科学学院遗传工程国家重点实验室合作的研究成果以5' UTR CGG repeat expansion in GIPC1 is associated with oculopharyngodistal myopathy(GIPC1基因5’非翻译区CGG重复异常扩增与眼咽远端肌病相关)为题,在线发表于国际权威神经病学期刊Brain(大...
2020年8月26日,附属瑞金医院研究成果“基于肠道宏基因组学分析的基因可作为帕金森病的潜在生物标志物”(Gut metagenomics-derived genes as potential biomarkers of Parkinson’s disease)作为封面文章,发表在神经科学领域国际著名老牌期刊《大脑》(BRAIN)(5年IF=11.931)上,并被选为“主编推荐的亮点文章”进行重点...
近日,我校软件学院潘家辉副教授在临床神经学领域的国际顶级期刊Brain(5年影响因子11.773)以第一作者身份发表论文“Prognosis for Patients with Cognitive Motor Dissociation Identified by Brain-Computer Interface”(DOI: 10.1093/brain/awaa026)。我校心理学院秦鹏民教授、南方...
2019年8月,首都医科大学宣武医院神经外科张鸿祺教授团队在神经学科顶级期刊《BRAIN》(5年IF:11.773)发表题为“Natural history of spinal cord arteriovenous shunts: an observational study”的封面论文,并被评为当期“编辑之选”(Editor’s choice)文章。该论文首次全面阐述了脊髓动静脉畸形(Spina...
BRAIN 丘脑 电刺激 治疗癫痫机理
2018年9月,由宣武医院功能神经外科和神经内科组成的癫痫研究团队在《BRAIN》(5年IF:11.202)在线发表了癫痫最新研究成果,论文题目为"High-frequency stimulation of anterior nucleus of thalamus desynchronizes epileptic network in humans"。研究结果揭示用高频电刺激丘脑前核,可导致癫痫网...
近日,湘雅医院老年神经内科许宏伟教授团队,在国际神经病学领域顶级期刊BRAIN杂志(IF=10.84)上在线发表了题为《Two cases of CLIPPERS with increased number of perivascular CD20-positive B lymphocytes》的文章,报道了两例罕见病理表现的类固醇反应性慢性淋巴细胞性炎症伴脑桥血管周围强化症(CLLIPERS)。
Using Virtual Reality To Identify Brain Areas Involved In Memory(图)
Virtual Reality Brain Areas Involved Memory
Virtual reality is helping neuroscientists at the University of California, Davis, get new insight into how different brain areas assemble memories in context.
In a study published Jan. 18 in the jou...
New Window Into Brain Lets Researchers Study Brain Disorders(图)
New Window Into Brain Researchers Brain Disorders
Until recently, the composition of brain tissue limited researchers' insights into the brain's neural circuitry and function.NSF-funded scientists developed a technique called CLARITY to chemically di...
Researchers Map Brain Activity to Improve Prosthetic Design
Researchers Map Brain Activity Prosthetic Design
High-tech prosthetics allow amputees to engage more fully in everyday life, even to compete in sporting events. Researchers from the University of Houston have demonstrated how brain activity is used ...