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Journal of Integrative Plant Biology|中国农业科学院深圳农业基因组研究所钱前/商连光团队揭示水稻抗病新机制(图)
Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 钱前 商连光 水稻抗病
海南大学热带农林学院硕士生在著名期刊Journal of Integrative Plant Biology发表高质量学术论文(图)
Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 海南大学 鸟嘌呤碱 植物抗性 碱基编辑
南京农业大学农学院《Journal of Integrative Plant Biology》发表张红生教授团队“Potassium transporter OsHAK9 regulates seed germination under salt stress by preventing gibberellin degradation through mediating OsGA2ox7 in rice”(图)
张红生 种子 作物遗传
《Journal of Integrative Plant Biology》刊发安徽农业大学武立权团队与浙江大学合作发现水稻低温耐受性新机理(图)
水稻 OsNAC5 萌发期 幼苗期 耐冷性 正调控因子
近日,安徽农业大学农学院武立权教授团队与浙江大学海南研究院、浙江大学农业与生物技术学院等单位联合在《Journal of Integrative Plant Biology》(IF:11.4)发表了题为“OsNAC5 orchestrates OsABI5 to fine-tune cold tolerance in rice”的研究论文。
南京农业大学农学院《Seed Biology》发表张红生教授团队“Preliminary identification of the changes of physiological characteristics and transcripts in rice after-ripened seeds ”(图)
张红生 种子质量 解析水稻
2023年3月1日,南京农业大学水稻栽培丁艳锋团队在国际知名期刊《Soil Biology and Biochemistry》连续刊发2篇题为“Long-term fertilizer postponing promotes soil organic carbon sequestration in paddy soils by accelerating lignin degradation and...
南京农业大学农学院《Genome Biology》发表宋庆鑫课题组“Open chromatin interaction maps reveal functional regulatory elements and chromatin architecture variations during wheat evolution”(图)
Genome Biology 宋庆鑫 小麦多倍化 染色质
2022年2月22日,南京农业大学宋庆鑫课题组在Genome Biology上发表了题为“Open chromatin interaction maps reveal functional regulatory elements and chromatin architecture variations during wheat evolution”的研究论文。该研究利用OCEAN-C技术绘制了不...
扬州大学农学院杨泽峰教授课题组和江苏里下河地区农业科学研究所李爱宏课题组及中国农业科学院植物保护研究所宁约瑟课题合作在Genome Biology杂志在线发表题为“Genomic insight into balancing high yield, good quality, and blast resistance of japonica rice”的研究论文(图)
粳稻品种 基因组测序 优良品系 XY99 JXY1
华中地区是粳米的主要产区之一。然而,该地区仍有数十个高产水稻品种质量低下或易感稻瘟病,严重限制了其在水稻生产中的应用。2021年10月5日,Genome Biology 杂志在线发表了来自扬州大学农学院杨泽峰课题组和江苏里下河地区农业科学研究所李爱宏课题组及中国农业科学院植物保护研究所宁约瑟课题组等合作的题为“Genomic insight into balancing high yield, g...
2021年5月10日,北京市农林科学院玉米研究所赵久然研究员团队与华中农业大学、中国农业大学等国内多家单位合作,在国际知名学术期刊Genome Biology (2020 IF=10.806)发表了题为“The genetic mechanism of heterosis utilization in maize improvement”的论文,从新的视角解析了玉米杂种优势形成的机理。
中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所高彩霞研究组应邀在Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology上发表CRISPR-Cas在农业与植物生物技术上的应用的综述文章(图)
高彩霞 农业 植物生物技术 作物分子设计育种
玉米是全球第一大粮食作物。理解玉米重要农艺性状和产量性状的遗传基础,挖掘我国骨干自交系资源助力定制化育种,是一个长期目标。近日,北京市农林科学院玉米中心赵久然研究员团队与华中农业大学严建兵教授团队合作,在国际知名学术期刊Genome Biology(2019IF=14.028)发表了题为“CUBIC: an atlas of genetic architecture promises direct...
Challenges for Crop Production and Quality - Annals of Applied Biology Centenary conference
Crop Production Quality
It is fitting in marking the Annals Centenary to review how science has contributed to agriculture over the last 100 years and to consider future directions in the context of the challenges ahead. Thi...
Varietal Differences in the Growth and Dry-Matter Production during Vegetative Growth in Rice under Upland Cultivation Conditions with Water Stress : A comparison of Japonica, Indica and Japonica-Indica hybrid cultivars(Crop Physiology and Cell Biology)
Drought resistance Dry matter production Growth Japonica-Indica hybrid Oryza sativa L.
Since rice is highly susceptible crops to water stress, it is important to improve drought resistance to increase and stabilize the rice yield under upland cultivation conditions. This study was condu...
Effects of Exogenous Injection of Sucrose Solution to Plant on the Carbon Distribution to Tuberous Root and Tuberous Root Production in Sweet Potato, Ipomoea batatas Lam(Crop Physiology and Cell Biology)
ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase Carbon distribution Sink Source Sucrose Sweet potato
The sink and source balance in a sweet potato plant was artificially changed by exogenously injecting a 6% sucrose solution into the cut end of the stem, and its effect on the photosynthate transport ...