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北京大学国际关系学院博士后王彬彬在环境/大气领域国际一流期刊WIREs Climate Change发表论文(图)
北京大学国际关系学院 博士后 王彬彬 环境/大气 一流期刊 WIREs Climate Change
2020年4月9日,我院博士后王彬彬(第一作者)在国际一流SCI/SSCI双收录期刊Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews(WIREs) -Climate Change(WIREs Climate Change)发表题为“Climate change in the Chinese mind: An overview of public perceptions at macr...

Nature Climate Change刊发深海圈层与地球系统前沿科学中心最新研究成果(图)
Nature Climate Change 中国海洋大学深海圈层与地球系统前沿科学中心 北太平洋副热带模态水 大西洋多年代际变化 海洋气候
2020年2月17日,国际顶级学术期刊Nature(《自然》)子刊Nature Climate Change(《自然气候变化》)在线发表了题为“North Pacific subtropical mode water is controlled by the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability”(《北太平洋副热带模态水受大西洋多年代际变化控制》)的最新研究成果。该成...

中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所吴朝阳、王焕炯、葛全胜等在Nature Climate Change发表秋季物候变化最新成果(图)
中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 吴朝阳 王焕炯 葛全胜 Nature Climate Change 秋季物候变化

Climate change projected to significantly increase harmful algal blooms in U.S. freshwaters(图)
Climate change projected harmful algal U.S. freshwaters
Harmful algal blooms known to pose risks to human and environmental health in large freshwater reservoirs and lakes are projected to increase because of climate change, according to a team of research...

近日,《Nature Climate Change》期刊在线发表了我校廖宏教授作为通讯作者的论文“Weather conditions conducive to Beijing severe haze more frequent under climate change” 。论文第一作者是中国海洋大学“千人计划”、青岛国家海洋实验室蔡文炬教授,其他合作者包括中科院大气物理研究所博士生李柯、我校王会...
第五届生态、生态系统和气候变化国际会议(5th Annual International Conference on Ecology, Ecosystems and Climate Change)
第五届 生态 生态系统 气候变化 国际会议
The Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER), will hold its 5th Annual International Conference on Ecology, Ecosystems and Climate Change, 10-13 July 2017, Athens, Greece sponsored by the ...

Nature Climate Change杂志主编Bronwyn Davina Wake博士一行访问中国科学院地球环境研究所(图)
Nature Climate Change杂志主编 博士 中国科学院地球环境研究所
应中国科学院地球环境研究所曹军骥研究员邀请,2016年9月12-15日,Nature Climate Change杂志主编Bronwyn Davina Wake博士等一行5人访问中国科学院地球环境研究所并做了题为:“How to publish – natural climate change and other nature titles”的报告。
Aquatic Barrier Prioritization in New England Under Climate Change Scenarios Using Fish Habitat Quantity, Thermal Habitat Quality, Aquatic Organism Passage, and Infrastructure Sustainability
Culvert Failure Barrier Prioritization, Brook Trout
Improperly designed road-stream crossings can fragment stream networks by restricting or preventing aquatic organism passage. These crossings may also be more vulnerable to high flow events, putting c...
The Cumulative Impacts of Climate Change and Land Use Change on Water Quantity and Quality in the Narragansett Bay Watershed
Narragansett Bay Cumulative Impacts Climate Adaptation
Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, is a valuable natural resource that suffers summer hypoxic events resulting from over a century of cultural eutrophication. Current efforts to reduce nitrogen loading f...
Essays on the Quantification and Propagation of Uncertainty in Climate Change Impact Assessments for Water Resource Systems
Climate Change Uncertainty Hydrology
Sustainable water resources planning and management under climate change requires a proper treatment of uncertainties that emerge in an impacts analysis. A primary source of this uncertainty originate...
A hazard-based risk analysis approach to understanding climate change impacts to water resource systems: application to the Upper Great Lakes
Risk Robustness Water resources
Water resources systems are designed to operate under a wide range of potential climate conditions. Traditionally, systems have been designed using stationarity-based methods. Stationarity is the assu...
Climate Change Associated with Global Teleconnections, Volcanic Eruptions, and the Arctic’s Snow-Ice Albedo in Godthab, Greenland
Godthab (Greenland) Climate Modes Teleconnections
To study the impact of climate change on Godthab(Greenland), temperature and precipitation gathered from the Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN) were analyzed for patterns within 1866-2011. B...
Assessing the Sensitivity of Climate Change Targets to Policies of Land Use, Energy Demand, Low Carbon Energy and Population Growth
Climate Change Policy Sensitivity Analysis
A reduced scale model of the coupled carbon cycle, population dynamics, energy system and land use characteristics is used to assess the sensitivity of atmospheric carbon to a variety of policies. Pol...
Possible Impacts of Climate Change on Daily Streamflow and Extremes at Local Scale in Ontario, Canada. Part I: Historical Simulation
Rainfall-Related Streamflow Simualtion Statistic Methods Ontario Canada
The paper forms the first part of an introduction to possible impacts of climate change on daily streamflow and extremes in the Province of Ontario, Canada. In this study, both conceptual and statisti...
Possible Impacts of Climate Change on Daily Streamflow and Extremes at Local Scale in Ontario, Canada. Part II: Future Projection
Rainfall-Related Streamflow Future Projection Downscaling Statistic Methods Ontario Canada
The paper forms the second part of an introduction to possible impacts of climate change on daily streamflow and extremes in the Province of Ontario, Canada. Daily streamflow simulation models develop...