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Numerical solution of a two-disk problem
Numerical solution control system and feedback compensator Fahrenheit convex programming numerical Fahrenheit programming
A multidisk problem in frequency domain control system synthesis is a problem in which the designer wishes to find a feedback compensator that minimizes the H_infty-norm of a certain transfer matrix r...
The su(n) WZNW fusion ring as integrable model: a new algorithm to compute fusion coefficients
Quantum integrable models Plactic algebra Bethe Ansatz Fusion ring Verlinde algebra Symmetric functions
This is a proceedings article reviewing a recent combinatorial construction of the su(n) WZNW fusion ring by C. Stroppel and the author. It contains one novel aspect: the explicit derivation of an alg...
边界元法 MRM 边界积分方程 边界变分方程
边界元法(BEM)和多重互易法(MRM)相结合求解一类重调和方程.通过重调和基本解序列给出的MRM-方法和BEM, 推导出该类问题的MRM-边界变分方程, 用边界元法求解该变分方程, 从而得到重调和方程的近似解, 并给出了解的存在唯一性证明.通过数值算例说明了MRM-方法具有收敛速度快、计算精度高, 易编程等优点, 为使用边界元法数值求解重调和方程提供了方法和理论依据.适合于工程中的实际运算.
A hierarchy of length scales for solutions of the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations
hierarchy of length scales for solutions three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations
Moments of the vorticity are used to define and estimate a hierarchy of time-averaged inverse length scales λ−1 m for the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations on a periodic
box [0, L]3.
不可约达布多项式 不变代数曲线 平面二次系统 周期解
给出了平面高次系统具有不变实不可约达布多项式的充要条件. 在此基础上利用代数方法, 根据平面二次系统表达式中的二次多项式来判定系统平衡点是否有闭轨线环绕, 进而指出闭轨线内部的平衡点必须具备的一些条件.
修正Navier-Stokes 大时间行为 衰减率
O. A. Ladyzhenskaya于1966年放弃了速度梯度很小的限制, 提出了一类描述三维非稳态不可压缩粘性流体运动规律的修正Navier-Stokes方程. 本文研究有界区域上这一修正Navier-Stokes方程解的大时间行为, 证明当外力为零时, 解的衰减速度是精确的指数型.而且能量的涡度拟能当时间趋于无穷大时, 其极限是Stokes算子的一个特征值.
Level lowering modulo prime powers and twisted Fermat equations
Modular forms level lowering Diophantine equations
We discuss a clean level lowering theorem modulo prime powers for weight 2 cusp forms. Furthermore, we illustrate how this can be used to completely solve certain twisted Fermat equations axn + byn + ...
A weak mixed distributive law (also called weak entwining structure [6]) in a 2-category consists of a monad and a comonad, together with a 2-cell relating them in a way which generalizes a mixed dist...
On the continued fraction expansion of the unique root in F(p) of the equation x^4+x^2-Tx-1:12=0 and other related hyperquadratic expansions
Continued fractions Fields of power series Finite fields
.In 1985, Robbins observed by computer the continued frac-tion expansion of certain algebraic power series over a finite field. Inciden-tally he came across a particular equation of degree four in cha...
On the exact discretization of the classical harmonic oscillator equation
fnite differe ncenumerical schemes exactdis-cretizations geometric numerical integration classical harmonic oscillator energy integral
We discuss the exact discretization of the classical harmonic oscillator equation (including the inhomogeneous case and multidimensional generalizations) with a special stress on the energy integral. ...
fangsong Hartogs域 极小外切Hermite椭球 极值问题 MSC(2000)主题分类 32H02,32F45
构造了一类Hartogs域的具有最小体积的外切Hermite椭球. 作为一个应用, 得到从这类Hartogs域到单位球的Carath\'eodory 极值映射.并且给出了计算极值的显式公式.
权函数 Hilbert型积分不等式 最佳值 等价式