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地球中微子 放射性生热元素 能谱 高阶修正
电导率 碳酸盐熔体 地幔岩 金伯利岩岩浆
为了观测含碳酸盐地幔岩部分熔融过程中电导率的变化,厘清碳酸盐熔体在金伯利岩岩浆形成过程中所起的作用,并探讨Slave克拉通中部Lac de Gras地区约80~120 km深处的高导成因,我们利用DS 3600 t六面顶压机和Solartron 1260阻抗/增益-相位分析仪在1.0~3.0 GPa、673~1873 K温压条件下分别测量了含碳酸钠(Na2CO3)、碳酸钙(CaCO3)和大洋中脊玄...
Reconstructing the opening of the Labrador Sea and Baffin Bay between Greenland and North America remains controversial. Recent seismic data suggest that magnetic lineations along the margins o...
Crustal 3-D geometry of the Kristineberg area (Sweden) with implications on VMS deposits
Kristineberg area Crustal 3-D geometry
Structural analysis of the Palaeoproterozoic volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) hosting Kristineberg area, Sweden, constrained by existing magnetotelluric (MT) and seismic reflection dat...
The dynamics of laterally variable subductions: laboratory models applied to the Hellenides
laterally variable subductions laboratory models
We designed three-dimensional dynamically selfconsistent laboratory models of subduction to analyse the relationships between overriding plate deformation and subduction dynamics in the upper mantle.
Managing soil nitrate with cover crops and buffer strips in Sicilian vineyards
Sicilian vineyards buffer strips
When soil nitrate levels are low, plants suffer nitrogen (N) deficiency but when the levels are excessive, soil
nitrates can pollute surface and subsurface waters.
Short-wavelength undulatory extinction in quartz recording coseismic deformation in the middle crust – an experimental study
Short-wavelength undulatory extinction quartz recording coseismic deformation
Deformation experiments are carried out on natural vein quartz in a modified Griggs-type solid medium apparatus to explore the preservation potential of microfabrics created by crystal-plastic d...
Tomography of the 2011 Iwaki earthquake (M 7.0) and Fukushima nuclear power plant area
Tomography Fukushima nuclear power
High-resolution tomographic images of the crust
and upper mantle in and around the area of the 2011 Iwaki
earthquake (M 7.0) and the Fukushima nuclear power plant
are determined by inverting a larg...
风云二号 太阳X射线 探测器 耀斑
Magnetic separation of calcite and aragonite for use in radioactive carbon analysis
magnetic separation aragonite calcite cobalt Meigen’s solution peak intensity
Aragonite and calcite often coexist; as such, separating these very similar minerals is an important step in undertaking
research on these two phases individually. One approach to discriminating betw...
煤储层应力敏感性是影响煤层气井产能的地质因素,以鄂尔多斯盆地东南缘高煤级煤储层为对象,通过煤样的应力敏感性实验和现场测试,建立了高煤级煤储层渗透性与应力之间的相关关系和模型;探讨了渗透性变化的控制机理.研究结果表明, 煤储层渗透率随应力的增加按负指数函数规律降低.在应力小于5 MPa时,煤储层渗透率随应力增加快速下降,应力敏感性最强;应力在5~10 MPa时,渗透率随应力增加而较快下降,应力敏感性...
In situ rutile U–Pb dating by laser ablation-MC-ICPMS
laser ablation MC-ICPMS rutile U–Pb dating in situ
A method for in situ rutile U–Pb dating was developed using a multiple-collector (MC) ICPMS coupled to an excimer
laser-ablation system. Compared with single collector Quadruple ICPMS used by previou...
测量夜间135.6 nm大气气辉辐射强度是目前有效的电离层探测方式之一,我国即将在风云三号卫星上搭载仪器,利用该波段夜气辉辐射测量来反演电子总含量(本文所指电子总含量表示卫星高度以下大气柱的电子含量)及峰值电子密度,因此非常有必要开展相关的气辉发光模型及反演研究.在介绍氧原子135.6 nm波段夜气辉激发机制基础上,考虑辐射在传输过程中受到大气氧原子的散射及氧气分子的吸收,采用迭代法求解包含多次散...