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ZnO Mn 拉曼 稀磁半导体
利用射频磁控溅射方法在玻璃衬底上室温沉积了一系列不同Mn掺杂的ZnO:Mn薄膜。结合Raman光谱,XRD谱和SEM分析了ZnO:Mn薄膜的结构特性。 Raman拟合结果显示,在Mn摩尔分数从0增加到5.6%的过程中,ZnO:Mn薄膜始终保持着六角纤锌矿结构;随着Mn掺杂浓度的增大,437 cm-1和527 cm-1位置上的Raman散射峰出现红移现象,说明Mn掺杂量的增加导致晶格更加无序,缺陷增...
以C19H42BrN为表面活性剂,采用水热法合成了ZnS:Mn纳米晶,分别利用XRD、TEM、荧光光谱仪对其物相、形貌及光学性能进行了研究。结果表明:ZnS:Mn纳米晶为闪锌矿ZnS结构,颗粒近似球形,平均粒径为4~8 nm。荧光光谱显示,ZnS:Mn纳米晶的荧光发射峰强度随着Mn2+掺杂浓度和表面活性剂含量的增加而逐渐增强。
2013年7月9日,《物理评论快报》 (Phys. Rev. Lett.111, 027203 2013)报道了中科院半导体研究所半导体超晶格国家重点实验室赵建华研究组及合作者在(Ga,Mn)As/Co2FeAl双层膜铁磁界面耦合和磁邻近效应方面取得的最新研究成果。
ZnO∶Mn 拉曼 稀磁半导体
利用射频磁控溅射方法在玻璃衬底上沉积了一系列ZnO:Mn薄膜,结合Raman光谱、XRD衍射谱和SEM分析了工作气压对ZnO:Mn薄膜结构特性的影响。 Raman拟合光谱显示,在工作气压从1 Pa增加至4 Pa的过程中,ZnO:Mn薄膜始终保持着六角纤锌矿结构。 但是,随着气压的降低,对应于E2(High)振动模式的Raman散射峰以及与Mn掺杂相关的特征峰左移,说明在低工作气压时,ZnO:Mn薄...
ZnS:Mn 表面修饰 发光 BCA法检测
采用水热法制备了ZnS:Mn量子点,探讨了掺杂离子浓度对ZnS:Mn量子点的晶体结构和发光性质的影响。 通过荧光光谱对样品进行表征。结果表明:掺杂离子的摩尔分数达到2%时,ZnS:Mn量子点在595 nm附近的发光最强;继续增加掺杂浓度反而出现荧光猝灭的现象。本文还研究了表面修饰对量子点形貌和发光性质的影响。通过透射电子显微镜(TEM)观察样品的形貌,发现经过3-巯基丙酸(MPA)修饰后的样品表面...
Engineering the magnetic properties of the Mn$_{13}$ cluster by doping
Engineering the magnetic properties Mn
With a goal to produce giant magnetic moment in Mn13 cluster which will be useful for practical applications, we have considered the structure and magnetic properties of pure Mn13 cluster and substitu...
中国科学院新疆理化技术研究所 三元层状结构 Li[Ni-Co-Mn]O2锂离子 电池正极材料
Mn掺杂纳米晶ZnO 结构 光学性质
采用固相热分解自组装方法制备Mn掺杂纳米晶ZnO样品, 并利用X射线衍射(XRD)、 能量散射光谱(EDS)、 X射线光电子能谱(XPS)和光致发光光谱(PL)等方法测试Mn掺杂ZnO样品的结构、 形态及光学性质. 结果表明: 采用本文方法获得了具有ZnMn低O/ZnMn高O核壳结构的ZnMnO合金; 在250 ℃和300 ℃制备样品时, 表面存在大量的Mn对表面起钝化作用.
Effects of s,p - d and s - p exchange interactions probed by exciton magnetospectroscopy in (Ga,Mn)N
exchange interactions exciton magnetospectroscopy
Near band-gap photoluminescence and reflectivity in magnetic field are employed to determine the exchange-induced splitting of free exciton states in paramagnetic wurtzite Ga1−xMnxN, x . 1%,grow...
Antiferromagnetic ordering in the absence of a structural distortion in Ba(Fe{1-x}Mn{x})2As2
Stripe Antiferromagnetic structural distortio
Neutron and x-ray diffraction studies of Ba(Fe1−xMnx)2As2 for low doping concentrations (x 6 0.176)reveal that at a critical concentration, 0.102 < x < 0.118, the tetragonal-to orthorhombic tran...
Confirmation of room-temperature long range magnetic order in GaN:Mn
GaN:Mn Diluted magnetic semiconductor Atomic force microscope
We propose a method for nano-scale characterization of long range magnetic order in diluted magnetic systems to clarify the origins of the room temperature ferromagnetism. The GaN:Mn thin films are gr...
Fabrication and characterization of a Ni-Mn-Ga uniaxially textured freestanding film deposited by DC magnetron sputtering
DC magnetron sputtering freestanding Ni-Mn-Ga thick film martensitic transformation
Homogeneous freestanding films have been obtained by the direct current (DC) magnetron sputtering technique using a sacrificial layer. After annealing, the films are crystallized with a strong out-of-...
Local spin valve effect in lateral (Ga,Mn)As/GaAs spin Esaki diode devices
Local spin valve effect lateral (Ga,Mn)As/GaAs spin Esaki diode devices
We report here on a local spin valve effect observed unambiguously in lateral all-semiconductor
all-electrical spin injection devices, employing p+−(Ga,Mn)As/n+−GaAs Esaki diode structure...
Doping and temperature dependence of Mn 3d states in A-site ordered manganites
Doping temperature dependence A-site ordered manganites
We present a systematic study of the electronic structure in A-site ordered manganites as function of doping and temperature. The energy dependencies observed with soft x-ray resonant diffraction (SXR...
Tuning macro-twinned domain sizes and the b-variants content of the adaptive 14-modulated martensite in epitaxial Ni-Mn-Ga films by co-sputtering
Magnetic shape memory alloys epitaxial films adaptive modulated-martensites twinning
order to obtain modulated-martensite in our epitaxial Ni-Mn-Ga films, we have tuned the composition by using a co-sputtering process. Here we present how the composition affects the variant distributi...